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Kids Dentistry

Humans begin teething as early as six months of age and acquire their primary ‘milk’ teeth.

At about 6-7 years of age, individuals begin to lose their milk teeth, and the permanent set of teeth begins to emerge. Due to the fact that the milk teeth would ultimately fall out, some parents neglect to take their kid to the dentist.

However, these milk teeth serve as the foundation for developing permanent teeth. Without adequate maintenance, issues may develop that can last a lifetime. Caries incidences in youngsters have increased dramatically in recent years. As a result, it is always a good idea to begin caring for your baby’s teeth throughout their very early years. This involves establishing an oral hygiene programme and scheduling frequent dental checkups for children.


Pediatric Dentists or Children’s Dentists are specially trained to address the dental needs of children and adolescents. Pediatric dentistry is a distinct discipline devoted to children, oral health prevention, and future preparedness.


Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the maintenance of children’s dental health. They give the following services:

  • Infants and adolescents are examined. It involves screening for oral caries in mothers and their children.
  • They are experts in safeguarding your children’s teeth with fluoride therapy.
  • Counselling on habits, in which physicians assist children in regaining control of their habits
  • Straightening and realigning crooked and mismatched teeth
  • Cavity treatment
  • Dental injury treatment


In Milk Teeth, Root Canal Treatment

If you believe your kid is too young for root canal treatment, think again – this procedure has no age restrictions. If your child’s primary (baby) teeth are harmed or decay has spread deep into the roots of their teeth, a root canal procedure to stabilise the teeth may be necessary.

Root canal therapy disinfects the pulp, the live tissue located within the tooth’s roots. Because the pulp includes the nerves of the tooth, tooth discomfort is often an indicator that decay has progressed into the pulp.

Root canal therapy is a straightforward operation in which devices are used to clean the root canals of teeth. A drug is then inserted to keep the teeth in their appropriate position in the oral cavity.

Children’s Oral Habits

Frequently, youngsters develop behaviours detrimental to their teeth and dental supporting systems, either temporarily or permanently. These behaviours are formed by repetition. There is an initial conscious effort to perform the act. Later in the act’s development, it becomes less aware and may approach the regions of oblivion if performed often enough. Thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue pushing, lip biting, teeth grinding, and nail-biting are frequent oral behaviours in children.

Specific reminder equipment, referred to known as habit breaking appliances, aid children who want to stop a practice but are unable to do so since the behaviour has reached the subconscious level. They may be detachable or permanently attached.

Appliances that are often used in paediatric dentistry include the following:

  • Twin Block
  • Frankly
  • Habit Breaking appliances
  • Space Maintainers
  • Head Gear


Fluoride Application

A frequent reason parents bring their children to the dentist is decay. This is because youngsters lack the necessary dexterity for brushing. Parents should have their children’s teeth treated with fluoride at regular intervals to prevent decay. Fluoride aids in the battle against plaque and bacteria that may result in enamel loss and subsequent cavities. Additionally, fluoride strengthens the tooth structure and promotes bone formation. During this procedure, the dentist integrates fluoride ions into the tooth structure, making it more susceptible to acid disintegration. This procedure is equally effective on both milk and permanent teeth.


The primary cause of decay is trapped food and germs in the pits and cracks of teeth. We chew food using our back teeth, which are never flat, such as molars and premolars. As mentioned before, the pits and fissures are depressions on these rear teeth. They operate as potential bacteria and food traps, making them prone to deterioration. As a result, some pits and fissure sealants are installed as preventative precautions.

Dental sealants then step in to save the day. Sealants are protective plastic coatings applied to the chewing surface of permanent teeth. They protect the teeth from decay. The permanent back teeth, molars, and premolars are susceptible to deterioration due to fissures.

As said before, it is important to instil the practice of maintaining excellent dental health from an early age. This is a long-term investment in the form of good teeth and a healthy lifestyle. Parents should make an effort to teach their children proper brushing techniques, and they must understandappropriate brushing techniques. Make brushing a pleasurable activity for your kid by brushing with them and encouraging them to practise preventative measures.

Toothbrush And Toothpaste

Apart from the therapeutic alternatives discussed above, ensure that your children brush twice daily. Brushing your teeth before bed is critical because the food you consume during the day becomes trapped between your teeth, where bacteria in your mouth feed on it overnight, causing decay. If feasible, educate your youngster on floss since this provides an additional layer of protection for their teeth.

Frequently asked Questions

What Is The Minimum Age For Children To Visit A Pediatric Dentist?

You should take your kid to the pediatricsdentist when their first tooth emerges or shortly after they turn one. Make an appointment with a paediatric dentist at your nearby Luxe Dental Clinic.

What Is The Appropriate Duration Of A Pediatric Dentist Visit?

A youngster must visit a paediatric dentist until 14, when all their permanent teeth have erupted. Apart from that, it is entirely up to the kid and their parents. However, until the kid reaches the age of 16, it is suggested that they attend a paediatric dentist.

Should A Child Begin Brushing Their Teeth?

Brushing should begin with the advent of the first tooth in youngsters. However, paediatric dentists advise that the quantity of toothpaste used should be extremely little, around the size of a grain of rice.

Should Mothers Clean Their Babies' Mouths If They Lack Teeth?

It is essential to maintain oral hygiene and keep the mouth clean and germ-free regardless of age. With t soft cloth, mothers may clean their children's mouths, both upper and lower jaw.

Is A White Tongue Normal For Babies?

During the first few weeks of life, most newborns have a white coating on their tongue, which is entirely normal. Their dental hygiene is perfect.

How Important Are Milk Teeth?

As milk teeth emerge and fall, many individuals believe they are irrelevant to dental hygiene in general. However, milk teeth serve a number of critical tasks, including the following: • They are primarily responsible for biting, chewing, and grinding food before digestion. • Additionally, they have a role in speaking patterns and training. • The development of the jaw bones and muscles begins with milk teeth. • They shape the mouth and provide space for permanent teeth to develop.

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